jueves, 29 de marzo de 2012

Would you like to see another puppets play by 6th form?

The baby monkey can’t find his Mum This is our group show (B M- Baby Monkey, P- Parrot, M-mother) BM: I can´t find mother...She isn´t at home, she isn´t in the river and she isn´t in the jungle. P: I can help you because I saw her in a car. M: Is the car here? P: I want to see where the hunter and your Mom are. BM: You could come with me to see if I can find them. P: Okay but if you do, ask for help to the other animals. (The monkey and the parrot went to see if they found the monkey’s mother.) P: I think it is not in here BM: Watch! A zoo! P: I doubt that here... BM: Isn´t that my Mom? P: Yeah and that´s the hunter! Come on. (The monkey and the parrot followed the hunter) M: There is my mother in front of the tigers’ cage ! P: Come on! BM: Mother! M: My son! I miss you! P: Now you must remove it from there M: We´re going to try. (The baby monkey, the mother and the parrot tried to open the cage. Seconds later they can open it) M: Well we´ll see the way back to the jungle P: It is more or less that way . (A while later they came to the jungle.) M: Thanks for helping me parrot, me and my baby! P: I’m always going to help everyone. BM: Mom can he stay here! He is a homeless (whispering in her ear) M: Okay (answers to the ear) P: Well I will continue my way… M: WAIT! Do you want to stay here? P: Okay, but do not you mind? M: You are not going to bother us. P: Thank you M: You are welcome. (The mother monkey, the baby monkey and the parrot live happily ever after) Lara Mormandi 6to "A"

martes, 27 de marzo de 2012

Let's read one of our puppet plays

OUR PUPPET SHOW In the morning…
Duck: Do you see the rabbit? Bear: No, why? Duck: Because… He disappeared!! CHAN CHAN CHAN Bear: Can I help you ? I can look for him. Duck: Of course ! The bear is following the duck One hour later … There are two roads… Bear: Let´s go to the right! Duck: How do you know? Bear: Emm, amm. I see him walking here. They are walking along the road. Far away there is a horse running very fast. Bear & duck: Wait !!!!!!! He stops Duck: Hey! Do you want to kill us? Horse: No, sorry. What are you doing in my house? Bear: Is this your house? We are looking for a friend. Horse: Can I help you? Who disappeared? Duck: My best friend, the rabbit Horse: I see him. In the left road Duck: Let´s go to the left-. And he looked at the bear angrily They go to the left. Jumping is coming a frog. Frog: Who are you? Duck: My name is Albertina Bear: I´m Bearina Horse: My name is Tartu Frog: Great! Frogita is my name. What are you doing here? Duck: We are looking for a friend. Frog: Right! Can I help you? Bear: Of course! They walk until they find a chicken. Chicken: Hi! Duck, bear, horse, & frog: Hello! Chicken: What´s up? Duck: A friend is lost Chicken: Can I help you? Bear: Yes! Let´s go to the left Chicken: Is it a rabbit? Who is lost? Bear: Yes, it is! Chicken: I see him with you! With the bear! Bear: No, why? I don´t like the rabbits, puajjjj The duck is looking at the right. Something is moving in the cage. And… THE RABBIT IS THERE!!! Duck: Oh my god! Bear: I told you! You shouldn´t stay there! In the cage. Rabbit: Albertina! I missed you. A lot!! Duck: Bearina! You are not having friends! We aren´t going to be your friend! You lie, Bear. Let´s go rabbit! Good bye. The horse, the frog, and the chicken go, too. The bear is alone and sad… The End

miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2012

7th grade students started to work.

Today you can look at Agustín Logioia's work.

sábado, 10 de marzo de 2012

YEAR 2012- Use our blog to communicate!!!!!

Remember to send your projects made in your pc to silviaingles1818@hotmail.com